Live music and Cretan music nights in Kissamos, Potamida and Voulgaro from 13th to 26th July
For further information please call the event manager Giorgos Hachlakis: 698 279 9636
Wednesday, July 13:
Musical evening with Carsten Thruedal in Potamida.
For further information call the event manager Giorgos Hachlakis: 698 279 9636
Friday, July 15:
Cretan music in Kissamos, Tzanakaki Square with George Mylonakis and his band.
For further information call the event manager Giorgos Hachlakis: 698 279 9636
Sunday, July 17:
Cretan music in Kissamos at Telonio Beach with the ‘Kostakia’ and their band.
Wednesday, July 20:
Cretan music in Kissamos at Telonio Beach with Lefteris Koumis and his band.
Thursday, July 21:
Mikis Theodorakis Choir in Kissamos, Tzanakaki Square
For further information call the event manager Giorgos Hachlakis: 698 279 9636
Saturday July 23, 21.30
Cretan evening in Voulgaro – Annual event of the Voulgaro Cultural Association with Ilias Choreftakis and his band.
Location: court yard of the Elementary School.
Entry: € 5,- (free entrance for children under 12 )
Tuesday, July 26, 21.00
Cretan music with Christos Charchalakis in Kissamos, Tsanakaki Square
As the source does not give any further precise details, please call the event manager, Giorgos Hachlakis, tel. 698 279 9636.