Resources and links

A list of other resources, with links, where you can find information about Kissamos area and Western Crete

ISKA: The International Society of the Kissamos Area. A great first contact for foreigners when they first move to Kissamos area, they have a monthly meeting and they exchange recommendations. You can also find some information about Kissamos on their website. a general information website about Western Crete, including parts about Kissamos and local attractions. a generalist travel guide with information about all places in Crete.  general information about events, accommodation, tavernas and places of interest in West Crete from Kolymbari to the west.  general information about Crete as well as resort-specific information covering the western half of Crete.

Cretan Vista: good site based around the Rodopos Peninsula area but with lots of information about NW Crete for visitors as well as residents.

Greek resources

Neoi Orizontes: the local Kissamos weekly newspaper, out every Wednesday, now also online

XN-logosHaniotika Nea: Chania’s daily newspaper. Lots of useful information about all of Chania region, including Kissamos area.

Institutional resources

logoskissamosMunicipality of Kissamos: the official website of Kissamos municipality. You’ll find more information on their Facebook page.


epofekslogoEpofek: Union of Cultural Associations of Kissamos Region. They have a calendar and are a great resource for local events.


neskslogoNesk: the New Traders Association of Kissamos. Their membership includes most businesses in Kissamos, and post events of public interest on their website.