
Confirmed coronavirus cases in Kissamos

A small cluster of Coronvirus cases around Kissamos has become evident in the previous days, and further testing is underway to understand the extent of the spread.

7 confirmed cases of Coronavirus have been found so far, centred around the employees of the Gramvousa Kindergarten, who originally reported symptoms. Currently all cases show mild symptoms and remain in isolation at home.

On 3rd November, workers from the Ministry of Health (EODY) were at Kissamos Health Center, in order to perform coronavirus tests on children attending the Gramvousa Kindergarten, and their parents.

On Wednesday 4th November, children and teachers with potential exposure to Coronvirus were being tested at the 1st and 3rd Primary Schools of Kissamos, where the children of the 2 families with confirmed cases attend.

The results of the tests are expected to be known by Thursday 5th November.

When the results of these tests are known, the Ministry of Health will proceed with further checks and contact tracing of any further positive cases.

A reminder that wearing masks is compulsory both indoors and outdoors, in the whole of Greece. Further details as to restrictions currently in force can be seen on the governmental site (in Greek).

Furthermore, the Greek PM is expected to announce a nationwide lockdown in a special address at 12:00 today (Thursday 5th Nov).