
Concert: ‘Journey into the sound of Kissamos’ – Nopigia Stone Theatre 28th June

The Association of Cultural Institutions of the Kissamos Province (ΕΠΟΦΕΚ) celebrates its 10th anniversary with all the well known musicians and their bands as well as folklore dance groups.

WHEN: 2th June 21.00

WHERE: Nopigia Stone Theatre

Entrance: € 5,-


21.00-21.15 Greetings from the co-organizers.

21.10-21.30 Kissamos – the juniors….

Glentousakis George violin, Kartsonakis Kostis violin, Bourdakis Vassilis violin

Papadakis Ioannis lute, Papadakis Stelios lute, Paterakis Stefanos lute,

Polychronakis Nikos violin, Skalidaki Irini violin, Tsichlakis Kostis lute

Charchalakis Nikos violin, Christoulakis Nikos lyre

21.31-23.30 Kissamos travels you ……….

21.31-21.40 Koumis Lefteris violin, Giakoumakis Giannis lute, Stavrianoudakis Kyriakos lute.

21.41-21.50 Michelakis Manolis violin, Sarantolakis Artemis lute.

21.51-22.00 Chalkiadakis Giannis violin, Skretis Giorgos lute, Bertakis Kyriakos lute, Zouridakis Aris percussion.

22.00-22.10 Martsakis Antonis violin, Marentakis Nikos lute, Pitropakis Charalambos.

22.10-22.20 Vakakis Dimitris lyre, Vroulakis Nikos lute.

22.20-22.30 Marinakis Antonis violin, Iliakis Stelios lute, Martsakis Giannis lute.

22.31-22.40 Lainakis Leonidas lute-bulgari, Despotakis Stefanos Basso, Halavazis Alexandros guitar

22.41-22.50.Renieri Markos violin, Polychronakis Giannis lagouto, Giakoumakis Giannis Lagouto, Konstantoudoudakis Andreas

22.51-23.00 Choreftakis Elias violin, Vroulakis Nikos lute, Kalergis Michalis lute, Kosidekakis Diamantis guitar, Frantzeskakis Costas percussion

23.01-23.10 Menegakis Giannis violin, Atsalakis Grigoris lute, Skounakis George lute, Giannenakis Thodoris percussion.

23.11-23.20 Fantakis Manolis violin, Falelakis Tassos lute.

23.21-23.30 Mylonakis George violin, Kontaxakis Grigoris lute, Panagiotakis Spyros lute, Giannenakis Thodoris percussion.

And finally folklore dance performances of the Dance Association “Pelasgoi”, the Educational Cultural Association “O Gigenis”, the folklore dance group of Drapanias, the “Roumatiani Parea” and more.

Source: Haniotika Nea and EPOFEKBildschirmfoto 2022-06-25 um 11.19.33



I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.