LAND REGISTRY ( Ktimatologio /Cadastre)
The land registry started on Monday, 18th October, 2021, in the Municipalities of Chania, Apokoronos, Sfakia, Kantanos – Selinos, Platanias and Kissamos.
Those who own property in these areas are urged to submit a declaration of their real estate electronically via the website or the Land Registry Office of the area where their property is located.
The deadline for submitting statements for the above mentioned municipalities ends on 18-1-2022 for residents of Greece and on 18-4-2022 for residents abroad.
The submission of the declaration is mandatory, otherwise the penalties provided for by law will apply.
This declaration is also a condition for any future act (eg transfer, parental benefit or donation, issuance of a building permit, etc.)
Land registry offices:
Municipality of Platanias: in Voukoulies (Κοινοτικό Κατάστημα)
Municipality of Kissamos: Former Primary School of Faleliana
(Note that this building is not actually in Faleliana, but on the road from Koleni to Kotsiana & Rokka. From Koleni it is on the right hand side. There is a stone wall at a bend, then a small turn to take you to the car park of the old school.)
You need an appointment, plus copies of all the documents they need. (e.g. AFM, passport, proof of ownership etc)
The form D1 is available at
For information (Cadastral office of Chania)
Telephone: 8011 010 275 (for domestic residents) and 28218 21824 (for foreign residents) 9am- 9pm
e-mail: and /or website:
You need to make an appointment to attend the office, you can do this via phonecall or through the website
For general information you may also call 210-6505600 from 8:30 to 15:30.
Operating days:
MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 08:00-16:00 and WEDNESDAY 08: 00-20:00
Source: Ethniko Ktimatologio and e-kissamos
Ann.: If you do not want to deal with this bureaucracy yourself: notaries may also do the registration or you can have your lawyer look after the registration. In Kissamos, a local lawyer is charging €135 and a local surveyor €200 to complete the process, as an example of costs.
The following guide was published on 5th November in the FB group ‘Expats in Chania’:
Land Registry Chania 2021: Useful guide – Questions and answers on what you need to know
28 October 2021
Which areas are concerned, when is the deadline and other useful information to get everything done properly and without hassle.
Already from last Monday 18 October 2021, the collection of property declarations began in the municipalities of Chania, Apokoronas, Sfakia, Kantanos – Selinos, Platanias and Kissamos of the prefecture of Chania.
Those who have real estate in these areas are invited to submit a declaration of their property online through the website or at the Land Registry Office of the area where their property is located.
For the convenience of those concerned, the accounting office has prepared a series of basic questions and answers that are analysed below:
- What are the land registration areas in Chania at the moment?
If you have property in the following pre-registration OTAs , you must apply for registration of your property in the Land registry.
- When is the deadline for submission for land registration in Chania?
The deadline for domestic residents starts on 18/10/2021 and will be for 3 months until 18/01/2022.
The deadline for foreign residents starts on 18/10/2021 and will be for 4 months until 18/04/2022.
- For properties that have been cadastrally registered and have already applied to the land registry in previous years, do citizens have to do anything now?
No! The centre of Chania for example, which was cadastrally registered in the past, does not need to do anything now. If citizens do not remember what they had done back then, they can go to the cadastral office in Chania, and ask for an extract and a diagram, to see how their property is recorded in the Cadastral records. This costs about 25€.
The areas that have already been cadastralized and do not need to do anything now are:
Kounoupidianon – (served by the Cadastral Office at Sofoklis Venizelou Street & Nea Ionia corner, opposite D.E.H.)
Mournion – (served by the Land Registry office at Sofoklis Venizelos & Nea Ionia corner, opposite the Public Road)
Nea Kydonia – (served by the Cadastral Office at Sofoklis Venizelou & Nea Ionia corner, opposite the Public Road)
Nerokourou – (served by the Land Registry Office at Sofoklis Venizelou & Nea Ionia corner, opposite the Public Road)
Perivolia (Kydonia) – (served by the Cadastral Office at Sofoklis Venizelou & Nea Ionia corner)
Souda – (served by the Cadastral Office at Sofoklis Venizelos & Nea Ionia corner)
Chania (centre) – (served by the Land Registry Office at I.Sfakianakis Street)
- Is it mandatory to submit the declaration?
Yes! The submission of the declaration is mandatory, otherwise the penalties provided for by law will apply.
- I have declared them in the E9, do I have to declare them in the Land Registry as well?
a) The E9 is NOT a title deed, it is the tax form of the property status for all the properties we own (houses, shops, plots, fields, either inside or outside the plan and settlement), which are registered in the information system of the tax office, in order to issue the property tax, the known ENFIA, but also the full knowledge to the tax office, for any legal use.
b) The land register is a comprehensive record of all real estate and the rights (registrable), on them throughout the country, in order to protect and secure them to the owners.
6. Do the properties I register in the Land Registry have to be recorded and compatible with my E9?
Yes, for many reasons:
The tax office has access to the Land Registry, so they are expected to do data cross-checks.
The cadastre is an official public document that takes precedence as a supporting document in recording the properties in the E9.
We attach an E9 proof to the land registry application, so it is advisable that the E9 and the application to the Land Registry are identical.
- What are the supporting documents for the registration of rights in the Cadastre?
Available Title Deeds (Notarial Deeds, Court Decisions, Deed of Testament etc.)
Certificate of transcription/registration at the land registry of the above title.
Data for locating the property (Ask what you can use)
Identity card or passport
Proof of Tax Identification Number
Note: Ask
a) what supporting documents you can provide for properties you do not have titles to.
b) what can you do when you have not had a survey done?
8. What is the cost to the State of submitting an application to the Land Registry?
The amount of the fixed cadastral fee is:
In rural areas (i.e. outside the plan and outside the boundary of settlements) only natural persons who submit a declaration for more than two (2) rights within the same LGU pay a fixed fee for only two (2) rights, regardless of the total number of rights. The provision applies only to the holders of ownership and servitude rights.
- €35 euros per right to a main premises (apartment, shop, plot of land, etc.)
- €20 euros per right to ancillary premises (storerooms, parking spaces) that constitute independent divided properties (which have millimetres in the plot and are not mentioned in the title as tracks).
9. When you have a property, in the village, with a house, and 3 warehouses, how much will you pay? Will you pay one fee for the land, another for the house, and another for the warehouses?
No! You will pay a fee of 35€, because if you have not made a recommendation on the property and the warehouses have not been given separate millimetres on the plot, they are declared in one entry in the land register and not separately, as is done in the recommendation.
- How to declare a property from an inheritance?
Initially each heir must declare his/her share, even if there has NOT BEEN AN ACT OF ASSUMPTION OF INHERITANCE.
- What are the documents required for INVESTMENT WITH RESERVATION and INVESTMENT WITHOUT RESERVATION?A) Inheritance without a deed of acceptance of inheritance or issuance of a certificate of inheritance WITH DISPOSITION, the following must be submitted:
Death certificate
Copy of the deed of a published will or the decision by which the will was declared to be a will,
if it is a private will Certificate of non-publication of another will
Certificate of no disposition of a will
The title of the deceased’s estate
B) Inheritance without a deed of acceptance of inheritance or issue of a certificate of inheritance WITHOUT A WILL, the following must be presented:
Death certificate
Certificate of Sureties
Certificate of probate of the estate of the deceased (Certificate of the Procurator’s Certificate of the Procurator’s Guarantee)
Certificate of no disposition of a will
The title of the deceased’s estate
If there is no title deed of the deceased, ask what you can provide!
- Must the property be declared by both the usufructuary of the property and the small owner of the same property?
The declaration in the land register concerns the right that each citizen has, not the property. So it is not the case that because the father who has the usufruct will declare it, the child who has the small owner will not declare it. They both have to declare it.
- Who should make the declaration to the Land Registry when there is more than one owner?
If a property is owned by more than one person, all owners should make the corresponding entry. - The real estate tax office,, undertakes the registration of property rights in Chania, for tax residents in Greece and abroad, as well as the correction of your E9, for its correct attachment to the Land Registry application.
Contact phone: 2821028088 / 6986860406
email: // info@taxproperty.g
Thank you this has been most helpful to understand what I need to do.