
Commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Crete

Tonight, Friday 28th May, there will be events held in Kissamos to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Crete.

Location A: Kallergiana Junction (map link), 19:30
Memorial for the fallen

  • Memorial service
  • Prayer for the fallen
  • Laying of wreaths
  • Greek National Anthem performed by the Philarmonic Choir of Kissamos
  • Participation from the Cretan Chapter of the Organisation of Historic Vehicles.

B location: Eirinaos Galanakis Square (in front of the Dimos building), 21:00

  • Address and greetings from the Mayor of Kissamos
  • Speech from historical researcher and author Dimitrio Nikolakaki: The Kissamos Municipality in the Battle of Crete “Pages of Glory” including known and little known details.
  • Presentation of photos and videos