
Disinfection of public places in Kissamos- on Sunday 22nd March

The Municipality of Kissamos has just announced that on Sunday, 22nd March, the squares and public areas in Kissamos will be disinfected:
all squares in public areas throughout the city (Health Centre, Town Hall, Metropolis, Police Department, Fire Brigade,  along the shopping street Skalidi, outside medical offices, pharmacies, banks, supermarkets, kiosks etc.)
The spraying is carried out with special disinfectants approved by the National Medicines Agency EOF (Ενικός Οργανισμός Φαρμακον) and in accordance with the guidelines of  the National Public Health Organisation EODY (Εθνικός Οργανισμός Δημόσιας Υγείας).
The disinfection process will be repeated in regular intervals or whenever necessary, both within the city of Kissamos and in local communities of our municipality.

All  citizens are urged to be very careful, to respect the hygiene rules and all the announced measures to prevent and limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and above all to AVOID GATHERINGS.
Especially, on Saturday 21/3 and in the last few days, due to the warm weather, there were crowds of people at the beaches and seaside areas of our Municipality, which should be avoided in the future to protect ourselves.
“We recommend prudence, individual responsibility, attention, precautionary measures, staying in our homes and patience in order to overcome this pandemic as quickly as possible and without tragic consequences.
The Kissamos Municipality studies the circulars sent out by the relevant Ministries on a daily basis for the increasingly stringent emergency measures and will inform you with relevant press releases.
We are here for all our citizens for any needs.”
Source: e-mail Municipality Kissamos,  Saturday 22.55


I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.