
One Way Streets in Kissamos

One Way Streets 001

The link above is a recent article in Neoi Orizontes.   The Dimos have decided a number of streets will become one way.   No date is given.   The map above hopefully gives an indication of what will be happening.   The description for the changes by the town hall reads “wiping” – whatever that means.   If anyone can provide a better translation please do.  It might also translate as “with time”.   Thanks to Google translate for the version below:-

Municipality Kissamos Saturday, February 27, 2016 16:06
Five one-way roads of Kastelli after the decision of Kissamos Municipality constitutes the attention of drivers.
The one-way roads these days and from now on will have a single direction:
1) Expatriate American Street (street Health Centre): Rising.
2) Street Pnevmatikakis: descent.
3) Street Lafonisiou (road to Kounoupitsa) rise.
4) Reserve Street Warrior 1941: wiping from City Hall to the Kambouri Street.
5) Street Giannoudovardi: descent.

I’m sure when a date is known it will be worth going to Kissamos to watch the chaos!

2 thoughts on “One Way Streets in Kissamos

  • Paul Kirkham

    “με φορά” in this context means ‘flow’ or ‘direction’, so is saying I think that the traffic will be one way from the Council building down to Kabouri Street.

    • Thanks Paul – I see the signs are now in place – although not very visible in some places. I noticed a couple of days ago that you can no longer turn into the road by Chocolate from the main street. There are signs too on the streets running at right angles to the new one way streets.

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