
Guided visit of the Etz Hayyim Synagoge in Chania

On Friday, 29.01.2016 at 11 a.m. there is a possibility of a guided visit in the synagoge, with information about the history of the synagoge itself and the history of the Jewish life in Chania. It will last around one hour. A minimum donation of 2 euros each person is recommended.
If you are interested please let us know in advance,that we can calculate the number of visitors a bit. (you can write a mail at Synagoge@aspranera.de or phone Michael Schrader 6942298203)

“it was stirring and moving to visit Etz Hayyim. A testament to the strength of the Jewish people and to humanity in general- it’s a symbol of survival. And a lovely one at that. It has been beautifully and respectfully restored and maintained- and feels like a little oasis of hope.”
(a visitor of the synagoge in Chania wrote this in a trip advicer webside last year.)

If you want to come but your are busy it is also possible to arrange a second visit. In that case let me know.

the meeting point will be in front of the synagoge. if somebody needs help to find it, let us know

Michael Schrader