Art exhibition ‘Oil and watercolours of Kissamos’ – Chairethiana 8th to 17th July
Exhibition of paintings (oil and watercolours) of Kissamos by Camille Mar:
WHEN: 8th – 17th July, 18.00 – 21.00
WHERE: at the old school of Chairethiana, which has been turned into an arts centre run by Chairethiana Cultural Centre ´St John’.
At the opening night there will be live rock and entechno music by Yannis Kochler and Niko Mixeladakis. During the following week there will be events for children.
With kind support of the Cultural Centre of Chairethiana, the Municipality of Kissamos and Pnevmatikakis Winery.
To get to Chairethiana you need to take the old National Road from Kastelli to Koleni via Drapanias (the way the bus goes). After Kaloudiana, direction Drapanias, there is a signpost/turning for Chairethiana, which quickly forks. Take the upper road that winds up to the village. As you enter there is a small parking on your left. You need to park somewhere along this road and then walk up the cobbled path, to the left of the parking, up to the old school building on the hill on your right. There will be signposts from the Kaloudiana road for the duration of the exhibition.
Source: Camille Marquand