
All Together Now! Road (race/excursion) to Polyrrinia

RUN to challenge yourself
WALK exercise and enjoy nature
CHAT with your neighbours
HELP those who are tired

Sunday 17th April, 11am

Meeting point & time: Kissamos Town Hall, 10am
Starting time: 11am
Route: Kissamos to Polyrrinia, on provincial paved roads, 7km
Difficulty level: 1

There will be:
Intermediate water stops
Support with special vehicle for transport of those with disabilities.
Bus transport to return to Kissamos from 13:30 until 15:30

Everyone is a winner! Each person should try to beat their own personal record.

The aim of the event is to donate logistical equipment for lessons, to the special needs school in Koutoufiana Kissamos.

Information and participation:
Telephone: 0030 6973739180 / 0030 6906138811

Supported by the Hellenic Red Cross