
Measures to increase vaccination take-up announced in Greece

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis gave a special live briefing on Monday 12th July, in which he announced the various measures adopted by the Greek Government to encourage vaccinations.

He stated that the measures are being introduced with the aim of preventing any further lockdowns in Greece.

The measures he announced are as follows:

  • Obligatory vaccinations for certain professions:
    – All staff at care facilities for the elderly.
    – All medical and other staff in the public and private health sector
    – All Armed Forces personnel, whether permanent or those fulfilling their military service, will be vaccinated on the premises where they are serving.
  • Only vaccinated people will be allowed to enter indoor entertainment venues such as theaters, cinemas, and bars.  The measure goes into effect on Friday 16th July, through to the end of August.
    Vaccination status can be shown via a digital or paper vaccination certificate.
  • During the summer entertainment venues will not be able to accomodate any standing customers.
  • Cafes and restaurants (which are currently only allowed outdoor seating) will be able to add more tables outdoors.

Vaccination campaign
The government’s aim is to vaccinate at least 70% of the adult population of Greece, Mitsotakis said, but that there are some obstacles to this: the Delta variant, and vaccine hesitancy in a percentage of the population.
He explained “It’s a double threat that all countries have to deal with, while some of them are actually forced to return to tough restrictions,” repeating that “Greece will not shut down because of some people’s attitude.”

Nearly all (99%) people admitted to ICUs were unvaccinated, he said, adding that the vaccination rate is accelerating and that currently 75% of over-60’s, 60% of over-45’s, and 50% of over-30’s are already vaccinated.