
Summer Solstice 2021: Sunrise Walk and Sunset Swim

Join us for a nature filled celebration of the longest day of the year.

Date: Monday 21st June
Start time: 06:00 (am), Fit in Crete office
Approx duration: 2 hours
Cost: €20/person (includes bakery breakfast/coffee on the beach)

We’ll welcome the new day together with a beautiful sunrise walk: a 5km loop over the hills behind the town, affording some spectacular views over the bay, and finishing with a bakery breakfast on the beach in Kissamos.

Starting with a fairly steep climb in the early morning, we’ll ascend quickly to Kounoupitsa, where we should be in time to enjoy the sunrise light over Ravdoucha peninsula. Then we meander through small villages, olive groves, along paved and unpaved roads, staying high on the ridge and taking in both valley and sea views, as they are revealed to us around corners. We’ll descend past the Parthenonas monastery and into Kissamos, emerging just behind the bakery, where we will acquire our provisions and then onwards to the Paraliaki beachfront picnic area, to enjoy the spoils as the waves lap the shore.

Date: Monday 21st June
Start time: 19:00 (pm), Fit in Crete office
Approx duration: 2 hours
Cost: €25/person (includes snorkel equipment)

Later in the afternoon, we reconvene to bid goodbye to the sun from the West Coast beach of Falassarna. Watch the sun disappear beneath the waves, while immersed in the natural element of the sea. Swim out to shallow rocks, follow schools of fish or  swim over to a WW2 shipwreck and hear a little about the (long) history of this stunning area. Suitable for swimmers of all abilities.

Book both activities (Sunrise walk plus sunset swim) together for €38/person