
“Decorating the city” – awareness campaign on addiction issues in Chania

The Department of Social Policy of the Municipality of Chania in collaboration with the Multipurpose Center of the Region of Crete based in Chania: “KETHEA ARIADNE”, join forces and send a strong message of awareness to the local community on issues related to dependence.
ΚΕΘΕΑ –ΚΕΤΗΕΑ abbreviation for Κέντρο Θεραπείας Εξαρτημένων Ατόμων (Addiction Treatment Center)

Through an action which envisages the creation of a series of murals on municipal buildings, such as the Homeless Shelter in Chania and the entrance of the City Hall of Chania ( Ypsilantis Street), the members of the program willcreate murals, sending their own message.

The beginning is made at the Homeless Shelter , with a mural of the Little Prince. As mentioned in the announcement of KETHEA ARIADNE, the symbolism is clear: “Just like in the Little Prince, where the Little Prince helps the pilot to endure the hardships in the desert, to find water, to drink and to finally repair his plane,  there is a way out, in this case a return on any road addiction has led you “.

In the context of networking and cooperation between the Social Services of the Municipality of Chania and the Multipurpose Center, also information meetings were held for the staff of the Department of Social Policy, Home Help Programs, Community Centers, and the Women’s Hostel.

AKETHEA ARIADNEKETHEA 2bout the work of the Multipurpose Center of the Region of Crete – KETHEA ARIADNE:
KETHEA provides support services and short intervention for all groups of dependents and their families, depending on their needs. It is aimed at people addicted to illegal or legal substances (alcohol, prescription drugs),  gambling and the internet (role-playing games or pornographic material).

It also provides consulting support for the Chania Detention Center and the Agricultural Detention Center in Agia, 9km southwest of Chania . Finally, it develops prevention programs with information for the wider local community (parents, students, teachers, associations, organizations, etc.).

The “Multipurpose Center of the Region of Crete, based in Chania” with Code (MIS 5035309) is included in the Operational Program “Crete” 2014-2020 and is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ECB). “People are supported in a safe environment, with respect for privacy, free of charge and without discrimination.”

Sfakianaki 13, 73135 Chania

Tel. 28210-87040, 28210-02120

Fax: 28210-87741





I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.