
Vlatos Jazz presents Kyriakos Stavrianoudakis

This Sunday, August 11th, Vlatos Jazz presents Kyriakos Stavrianoudakis

He was born in Florina. In 1976 he moved to Chania and four years later he started his lyrical lessons with the late Em.Tinnerakis and later on with Ross Dail, while attending classical guitar lessons. Later he began to learn lute and in 1993 he made his first appearance at the Pallas cinema at the 20 Cretan Music & Songs Festival with two songs which received a Composition and Interpretation praise and participated in the song that won the first prize with Dimak Vakakis.

In 1995, he started a series of interviews and recordings by old traditional musicians in Crete. Although self-taught in the hare, he considers that all these contacts with traditional musicians worked as a school for him.

A little later he attends Byzantine Music lessons at the Aristides Moschos Folk Music School and at the same time plays a lute in the orchestra of Aristides Moschos.
Other collaborations outside Crete were with G. Hatzinasio in the music of the television series “Border of Love” with Petros Gaitanos and M. Pyrobolakis.

His collaborations with the traditional musicians of Crete, as well as his participation in the discography.


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