
Memorial event – Tavronitis 3rd July

Commemorative event related to the Battle of Crete on 3rd July at 20.00 at the War Memorial at the beachfront in Tavronitis.
After the memorial event the film The Barefoot Battalion (1953) will be shown. (English subtitles)

Programme: 20.00memorial event

-Opening ceremony
-Ms. Galanaki , director of the  Municipal School of Tavronitis, will talk about the events of the time in the area
-Wreath laying
-Minute of Silence
-National Anthem

After the memorial event the film The Barefoot Battalion (1953)  will be shown. (English subtitles)

The Barefoot Battalion  is the true story of 160 children during the Nazi occupation in WWII. A young survivor of WWII and former member of the reputed “Barefoot Battalion”, a close-knit pack of disciplined orphaned boys, recounts the story of the one hundred sixty orphans who aided the Resistance, to a homeless street urchin.
Greek film, directed by Greg Talas, starring: Maria Kosti, Nikos Fermas, Antonis Voulais.
Music: Mikis Theodorakis

Source: Cultural Association Tavronitis & Municipality Platanias




I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.