
Wine Seminar – wine tasting classes, Chania 19th April

Within the framework of the Cretan Wine Festival (20th and 21st April) wine tasting classes are offered:

WHEN:Friday 19th of April 16.00
WHERE: Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, Grand Arsenal,Venetian Harbour, Chania

16:00 “Wines produced by vineries cultivated at high altitude sites of Crete” Aemilios Andrei 15,00 €
17:30 “Crete & The Rest of The World. An intersting blind wine tasting with Dimitrios Motsos  € 15,00 €
19:00 “Class on the Assyrtiko of Santorini” , Apostolos Thymiopoulos  €15,00
Book your class : info@midenagan.com

Τel. 28210 27068

About Oinokritika :
(Ann.: οἶνος is the the Ancient Greek word for wine)
• is a Pancretan Cultural Event on Wine and has its headquarters in Chania; it contains a wine exhibition, where all the legitimate wineries of Crete have the right to participate: both members of the 2 Wine Networks of Crete, as well as independent or small Cretan Wine Producers, enjoying all equal opportunitiesWinetasting classes
• was the First Organized Exhibition of Cretan Wine (2007)
• was the first contact and basis for the participation of Cretan Wineries in other Organized Wine Exhibitions.

Oinokritika created the following specifications in the field of wine:

a) led both consumers and professionals, in the field of wine, to the continuous search of high-quality wines from Crete
b) Oinokritika encouraged the Cretan wineries to adopt a more careful and high-specification viticulture, thus protecting the quality of the productions from the primary sector.
c) Oinokritika created a link between the product, the region of production and the culture of each region, pointing out the importance of wine tourism
d) Oinokritika focused the interest of both customers and professionals to the Cretan Varieties of wine, designating the term of “native varieties”
e) Oinokritika projected the relation between product and region of wine by using the term of “terroir” as a tool of explaining the uniqueness of each production

Additionally, Oinokritika expect to upgrade the knowledge in the field of wine and wine production among the customers and to create a more bonded relation among the wine producers, which, in the near future, will result in better conditions and techniques and will create a process both in production and consumption of wine. For this reason, except from projecting the Cretan wines, Oinokritika invite one more wine region of Greece to take part in the exhibition. In that way, producers from other wine networks are asked to cooperate and coexist at the same place for the one and only reason: Creating progress in the field of wine.

Source: Οινοκρητικά / Oinokritika



I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.