
Theatre: “All House, Bed and Church”(Όλο Σπίτι, Κρεβάτι κι Εκκλησία’) – Chania 22nd – 24th March

This play, performed by the theatre group Karolos Koun, is based on the Italian avant-garde playwright Dario Fo’s Tutta casa, letto e cheese which he wrote together with his wife Franka Rame.
WHEN: 22nd – 24th March 21.15
WHERE: Venizelos Conservatory, Nikiforou Foka 5, Chania.
Entrance: € 14,-, pre-sale € 12,-, unemployed and students 10,-
Tel. 2821 043067
Online tickets sale: www.viva.gr
Language: Greek everyday language

Directed by: Kostis Kapelonis
Music – song lyrics: Stamatis Kraounakis
Songs and musical themes are based on popular Italian melodies.

Dario Fo, recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature,  often being faced with government censure, became also known as an active participant and campaigner on various political, social and cultural issues until his death in 2016.
His dramatic work employs comedic methods of the ancient Italian commedia dell’arte.

Source:diktyoFM.grDario Fo All Bed, House and Church



I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.