
Exhibition and Tasting: Greek and Cretan Products- Agia Exhibition Centre – 23rd to 25th February

Come and find out out the best and healthiest foods  in the world! Explore the flavors  and expand your  culinary experiences!
Producers from all regions of Greece present their products, while the visitors  have the opportunity to get to know and taste traditional products. At the same time, a chef team will present dishes with products and recipes from all over the country.
This festival, organized by the Chania Regional Unit,  aims to promote and highlight the quality products of Cretan & Greek businesses through a series of activities .
Within the framework of the festival there will also be an exhibition of “Beekeeping Products and Equipment” where the beekeepers of Crete will present their products.

WHEN: 23rd – 25th February. Friday 23/02 16:00 – 21:00; Saturday 24/02 10:00 – 21:00; Sunday 25/02 10:00 – 21:00
WHERE: Agia Exhibition Centre

Entrance: € 3,-   Children up to 12 years old and people with disabilities free of char

1. Product Exhibition: producers present their products and highlight local identity.
2. Tasting Workshops: throughout the festival, tasting workshops will be held where chefs offer the visitors tastes of Crete.
3. Cuisines of Greece: “Greece comes to Crete”
4. Cretan cuisine:
Every village on the island, but also the whole of Crete has to offer its own special foods. Explore the flavors  and expand your  culinary experiences.
5. Mediterranean Flavors and Fragrances: Food and music – nutritional compositions based on Cretan products.
6. During the festival visitors have the opportunity to watch presentations and  representations of  traditional customs.

At the same time, the Pancretan Beekeeping Conference takes place. More than 4,700 beekeepers of Crete present their products,  there are over 2,000 Cretan Honey Labels!


For more information, please visit the site www.crete.gov.gr
Business applications must be filled in the company manager.Products of Greece -Crete
Download of application forms here.

For business participation and more information, please contact Mrs. Eirini Psachoulia at 210-3622205 and 6981313209 or email: info@edpa.gr.

For information in the Regional Section of Chania you can contact: Mr. Benianakis Dimitrios 28213 40200 & Mr. Sofoulaki Stella 28213 40101 (sending applications until 19/2/2018 at FAX 28213 40201 & e mail: voulgarakis@crete.gov.gr).




I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.