Rembetiko musical event :”Chercher la femme’ by the polyphonic choir “Apollo” Chania 26th June
The 20-member male Choir “Apollo” and an 8-member orchestra present this musical event under the direction of conductor Pavlos Bailakis with a rich programme.
You are invited to follow them on a musical journey of seeking the woman (“Chercher la femme”) and the unimaginable streets that move her heart through old Rembetiko songs of well-known Greek composers.
WHEN: 26th June 21.00
WHERE: Eastern Moat Theatre – Theatro Anatolikis Tafrou, Chania. For map click here
Entrance: 5 €
The expression “Cherchez la femme” is attributed to Alexander Dumas from his theatrical work
“The Mohican of Paris” (1894)
The phrase embodies a cliché, no matter what the problem is, a woman is often the root cause.
Source: Eastern Moat Theatre
and Haniotika Nea