
Making traditional Cretan costumes – Free Course in Kissamos

A free course starting on June 2nd 2017 (17:00 – 21:00) will offer training in making traditional handmade Cretan costumes. Anyone interested in participating should visit the K.E.D.I.K office (same place as KEP kissamos) to register for the course.

Information – Mrs Vicky Marakaki
Tel. 2822340222
Email : koinofelisdkis@gmail.com

The courses are organised by the Municipality of Kissamos and K.E.D.I.K (Public Benefit Society) in co-operation with the Holy Metropolis of Kissamos & Selinos. They will take place at the Tsatsaronakeio (Bishop’s Palace) in Kissamos. Thanks are given to the Metropolitan Bishop of Kissamos & Selinas Mr Amphilochos for the provision of the learning area of ​​the courses as well as the teacher, Eleni Fantaki.