Tabletop and Boot Fair 21st May Georgioupolis
The Giant Summer Boot Fairs are back in the harbour in Georgioupolis
The Georgioupolis Sunday Tabletop and Boot Fair.
WHEN: 21st May 9.00am – 2.00pm. Sellers to arrive at 8 am

WHERE: Georgioupolis, between the Harbour and the new playground recreation area.
Stalls selling a wide variety of products, dvds , bric a brac, clothing , pies and pastries, books, soaps, jewellery etc..
Come and have a browse and grab a bargain and then maybe enjoy a drink overlooking the sea.
New Table toppers always welcome.
If you want to sell something: 5 Euro table money which will be donated to the Social Supermarket
Please provide your own tables and shade.