
XANIaRT 2017: Contemporary Art Exhibition “Summoning Familiarity” Platanias until 5th March

This exhibition of contemporary art entitled “Xenion – The Summoning of Familiarity”, curated  by Dr. Constantinos Proimos, historian and art critic, and Iannis Arhontakis,  is part of „ XANIart 2017“.

WHERE: Art Gallery “Match More – Underground”, Platanias.
(Coming from Kissamos after Lidl Supermarket on the left.)
For map click here.
WHEN:    28th January  –  5th March, daily  6pm – 10 pm
The gallery also hosts the restaurant MATCH MORE, open daily from 6 pm – 10 pm
About the exhibition:
The theme of the exhibition is an open invitation to host the works of artists from abroad who either chose to live and create in Greece, or artists interested in our country’s cultural and artistic scene.
The curators documented and exhibit 50 works of contemporary art by artists who  are not part of the trodden rut of artistic production with traditional or modern Greek references and roots BUT bring their own cultural and energetic experiences from different places of origin as well as their inspirations.
For information about the ancient Greek concept of Xenon / Xenia  click here

Participating artists:
Claire Allaz-Vourou, Radu Belcin, Christoph Carbenay, Andrea Carnemolla, Isle Chlan, Eija Ellinas, Nick Fedaeff, Konstantin Fischer, Mathew Halpin, Sally Heard, Manfred Hermanns, Stella Johnson, Stephanie Jonhson, Canuto Kallan, Uli Klepanski , Barbara Knight, Margret Kohler, Yi-Zheng Lin, Francois L’Hotel, Herr Loco, Karl-Heinz Loof, Cyriaco Lopez, David Macfarlane, Sue Macfarlane, Marie Meier, Philippe Mendel, Nicholas Moore, Theo Nole, Lazaro Noris, Stephanie Nukel, Pino Pandolfini, Kai Piepgras, Brigitte-Margyt Rein, Andreas Richert,Tiffany Riley, Max Sachs, Petr Shevchenko, Renate Stollenwerk, Linda Talbot, Dominigue Tapparel, John Tierney, T. Tosim, Gerhard Veisman, Loes Huis in’t Veld , Ellen Weijers & Jan Woodward-Liodaki.

For information about the event in Greek click here .XaniArt 2017





I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.