
Play by Oscar Wilde “Salome”, Chania, 27th – 30th January

“.. and the mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death..”

Oscar Wilde’s one-act play “Salome” is presented by the theatre group Πολιτισμικός Νότος (“Cultural South”), directed by Kriara Evangelia.

WHEN:   January 27 – 30,  21.30
WHERE: Chania, Theatre Dimitris Vlisidis.   Akti Miaouli /Maridaki,  Click for map

In the foyer of the theater will be the KIFACH box (Social ClinicPharmacy Chania Solidarity) which will allow everyone to offer medicines to people who need them.

Tickets: € 10 (€ 7 students unemployed)
Information, Reservation : 697 4 996583

The show is inappropriate for children under 13 years!

Salome by Oscar Wilde
“Salome” by Oscar Wilde

Nikolouzaki Emanuela (Salome)
Kolompakis Gregory, Nikolidakis Panagiotis (Herod)
Xanthoudakis Nektarios (Giochanaan)
Doulaveri Christina (Herodias)
Kalomirakis Manos (New Syria)
Lionakis Nick (Attache Herodias)
Athanassakis Argiri, Verivaki Christina, Vielaki Helen, Kapnisaki Fotini, Tsontou Chrysa (Dance)







In the foyer of the theater will be the KIFACH box (Social Clinic – Pharmacy Chania Solidarity) which will allow everyone to offer medicines to people who need them.



About the author …

Oscar Wilde, novelist, poet, playwright and critic was  born in Ireland in 1854.

Known for unconventionality and  witty dialogues Wilde is one of the most famous personalities and most recognizable artists of the Victorian era.
His novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” (1890) is probably one of his best known works all over the world.

In 1891 he wrote the one-act comedy “Salome,” a provocative and controversial project which is censored in GB because of references to biblical characters. At the height of his fame Oscar Wilde is persecuted, dragged to a series of trials, sentenced to forced labor and imprisoned.
After his release his health deteriorates significantly.
He left for France, where he dies on 30  November 1900 at the age of 46 years.

About “Salome”…..

Salome, a masterwork of the Aesthetic movement of the  fin de siècle in England is a one-act play by Oscar Wilde. It is loosely based on the Biblical story as told in the New Testament, although the character of Salome is not named in the Bible.

The play, set in biblical times, takes place in Judea, a historical region near what is Palestine and Israel today.
Salome is the stepdaughter of King Herod of Judea. Herod’s wife  Herodias  is cursed by the prophet Jokanaan (known as John the Baptist in the Bible). He says that the king’s marriage is unlawful because Herodias is the widow of Herod’s brother. In the Bible, Salome helps her mother to seek revenge on John the Baptist, but in Wilde’s play, Salome’s decisions regarding Jokanaan are the result of her own desire for lust-driven revenge.

As British law at that time forbade public performance of plays depicting biblical characters, Wilde wrote Salome in French. It was first performed as a play in France. Eventually,  translated it into English, it  was performed for British audiences for the first time in 1918, several years after Wilde’s death.

Source: CAM




I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.