
PALEOCHORA ART WEEK 3rd – 18th September


For the fourth time Paleochora Art Week – one of the largest collective art exhibitions in Greece –  starts  on 3rd  September .

Opening party at 7:30 pm  on 3rd  September in the Town Hall of Paleochora.

Location: Town Hall and  23 Art Points
40 artists from all over the world exhibit  their works in the Town Hall and in the 23 Art Points of Paleochora: in  bars, cafes, tavernas, hotels and at the beaches .

Further events:Beside the art exhibitions there is a number of exciting events:
underwater music, Art for Kids, Artist at Work and guided Art Walks

Guided Art Walks in different languages – meet the artists at  work,
three painters and an Austrian sculptor will work and explain what material they use or what techniques.
Look at the program and don’t hesitate to speak with the artists.

Underwater exhibition at Methexis Beach where you can snorkel in the sea and view the exhibition:
a dazzling array of paintings, photographs, sculptures  and  unexpected things by 13 artists.t

If you prefer to stay dry, you can see the film  about the underwater exhibition in the Town Hall.

Tombola: Buy a a ticket, you may  win a piece of art from one of the participating  artists.

Art Week Party  on 7th September
Creative Dance workshop  on 11th September

Closing Party on 18th  September where also the winner of the tombola will be announced.


The Paleochora Art Week, organized by a few artists and financed with the money of the artists and by the support of local sponsors. is a non-profit organization.

Art Week offers a program with exciting events: underwater music, Art for Kids, Artist at Work and guided Art Walks. Who likes to get into a conversation with an artist, should visit one of our Artist at Work events. There you can watch how the artists create their paintings or sculpture. Three painters and one sculptor will work and explain how they use material or techniques. Look at the program and don’t hesitate to speak with the artists.

For visitors who want to know more about artists, the art exhibited and Art Week should look at the program for the guided Art Walks in different languages.

Who want’s to shake a leg has different possibilities:at the Art Week Party (7.9.), at the Dance Marathon (10.9.) or during a creative dance workshop (11.9.). Who likes it more easy can have a look at Buthoh Dance (17.9.).

The Paleochora Art Week is a non-profit organization, organized by a few artists and financed with the money of the artists and by the support of local sponsors.

Further information:  www.paleochora-art-week.com or on Facebook.

To view the full programme: click here

Paleochora Art Week
Paleochora Art Week
Paleochora Art Week
Paleochora Art Week

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-03 um 01.14.09


I'm Austrian living in Tavronitis, love nature, music, good books, sunsets, the sea, travelling, socializing and more. I came to Crete as a student in the early 70s, exploring the west and southwest of the island with friends by motorbike. When you are young everything is important and, there are lots of things to do...I did. Job, family,children, travelling the world. But I never lost my love for Crete for a minute. And nine years ago I ended up in this convenient corner of Crete, not only for holidays, but to stay and haven't regretted it for a minute.