Panigiri of Agios Ioannis 27.8. until 29.8.
A very interesting celebration (panigiri) is held on its name day, 29 August, when thousands of people go to the monastery and group baptisms take place. Saint John “Giona” , from evening of 27/8 – till morning of 29/8. there will be music and eating and drinking in the evening (27 and 28.). Up to 15000 people will attend and it is a unique experience far away from village and town. they do always a great job to host the people and celebrate the remedy of Saint John Eremitis.
there is coming and going and a lot of people do a pilgrim by feet from Rodopos village, which is a 8 km walk one way.
taken from a anouncement:
In the Municipal department of Rodopou, every year on August 28th the eve of Saint John’s day in the location of “Giona”, evening prayer is realised in a picturesque chapel, which is 15km from the village towards cape Spatha. It is noteworthy to say that with the presence of many priests there are many group baptisms, as well as night liturgy. The attendance of the pilgrims begins early in the morning, until sunrise of the next day.
Along with the liturgies there is also a traditional feast with Cretan music.