
Kissamos Beaches: a great destination for all

It’s August, and the tourist season in Kissamos is at its peak. Many locals and visitors choose to spend some time on the beautiful local beaches.

With the big crowds, it’s even more important than usual to make sure that everyone can enjoy the wonderful coastline. This means making sure that you don’t have to constantly watch your back because vehicles drive all the way to the shoreline. It means keeping the beach clean. And it also means taking into account that there other, very ancient forms of life, such as sea turtles, that also need the beach to survive.

With the above things in mind, the Kissamos Beach Cleaning team, in collaboration with the Municipality of Kissamos, made and placed some info signs along some of the local beaches. The idea is to have simple, accessible, beyond-written-language reminders of what’s best for every beach fan.

Let’s keep Kissamos beaches nice, clean and car-free for all.


Greek in spirit. Recently adopted, with whole family, by Kissamos. Sea and nature lover.

3 thoughts on “Kissamos Beaches: a great destination for all

  • Nice article! 😉

  • Sigbjorn

    Well done. It is really great that you do this, both for the benefit for the locals, the visitors and the enviroment.
    I don’t know if you do this, but where I come from there are still people smoking, and at my favourite beach there are ashtrays for people to put their sigarettes in. Do you do the same at Kissamos?

    • Thanks for your nice words!
      Yes, people still smoke here. I have seen ashtrays on some private sunbed tables, though they are not common.
      From what I can see, the biggest problem is that many public beaches around Kissamos are dirty also because they have no rubbish bins whatsoever, let alone ‘specialized’ kit. I think we should be working on that next.

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