
Charity Afternoon event – Fun Run, Hair Donation & Basketball Match, 2nd May

A fun charity event, packed with activities, to fundraise for the Special-Needs school of Kissamos, is organised for Monday 2nd May, from 16:00. Come along, join in or cheerlead for the athletes & teams!

Everything will happen around the “Theokarakeio” Athletics Stadium / Tennis Courts (see here for map)

Event Schedule: Monday 2nd May

16:00 Fun Run, about 4 km. There is also a shorter route for mums with prams and children.

4km route: “Theokarakeio” Tennis Courts – Athletics stadium – Iroon Politechnio road – Skalidi – “Thekarakeio” Tennis Courts

Participation fee € 3, with a commemorative gift from our event.

Participants can apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JFYlQE5qBDkR-BWmD66JwE_bNzojX8jWuJs1ryl4Kfw/viewform?c=0&w=1

NB If you want to apply but need help with the application form please get in touch with the Kissamos News team (info at kissamosnews.com!)

17:00 Basketball match between the football teams of Kissamos and Kalathenes.

At the same time there will be a fundraising bazaar (raising funds for Orizontes, childrens cancer charity of Hania) and the opportunity to donate hair to the association “Donate hair-donate love”. The work of the association is to raise public awareness about hair donation and then create wigs for children who need them (children suffering from cancer, alopecia, etc.).

The donation requirements are available here http://donatehair.gr/.

For further information about the event:


Or call 697 7734 697
