
Savina Yannatou and “Primavera in Saloniki” playing in Chania

Place of concert: Anatoliki Tafrou Day: Wednesday, 12.08.2015, 21h


Savina YannatouTicket 12 € Pre sale: Municipal Market Square kiosk at Chania

Savina Yannatou and Primavera en Salonico invite us to an appealing journey into time and space, through the songs and tunes of the Mediterranean region. Andalusian –Arabic, Sephardic and Greek songs coexist with tunes from Magna Grecia, Sardenia and Corsica, orchestrated and executed in a contemporary and often unpredictable way.

Deeply rooted in the musical tradition of the Mediterranean region, Savina Yannatou and the musical ensemble PrimaveraEnSalonico embrace a very wide range of sound which is difficult to define and classify, since it encompasses simple songs to contemporary musical forms.
With a rich background which combines their classical studies, traditional music and free improvisation, with a fixation on acoustic instruments half of which originate from the Levant, the members of the ensemble make the most out of their idiosyncratic sound, reassessing their natural boundaries. Besides her unique vocal ability, Savina Yannatou highlights the distinctive musical expression of each verbal dialect, and often handles her voice as a complementary musical instrumen
Yannis Alexandris :. Oud, guitar, tambouras
Kostas Vomvolos :. orchestration, quanun, accordion
Kyriakos Gouventas :.
Kostas Theodorou :. percussion
Haris Lambrakis :. Nay
Michalis Siganidis :. Double bassFestival Mediterranian TracesProduction: PROSPERO, www.prospero.com.gr