Concert: “Love endures all and hopes for all” – Chania 20th July
A superb music gathering of Kostas Chatzis and Michalis Chatzigiannis! From “When you look from above, the earth looks like a painting” and “Love knows no frontiers” to “Thorn Love”, and all their other hits, to Mikis Theodorakis and Stavros Xarchakos, they make up a journey in time with special moments.
WHEN: 20th July 21.30
WHERE: Eastern Moat Theatre, Nikiforou Foka/Kyprou 16, Chania
Entrance: € 15,-
students, unemployed, disabled: € 12,-
at the ticket booths in the Municipal Garden: 10th July
The most important composer and performer of the modern music scene, Michalis Chatzigiannis, plays live for the first time, in selected concerts, together with the one-of-a-kind and timeless Kostas Chatzis.
A nostalgic but also optimistic and new music program, full of songs we have all sung and which are connected to some of the most treasured moments of our lives.
Source: KAM